sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011
Desejos para 2012
1 - Que a minha consciência esteja mais presente
2 - Que a minha capacidade de reconhecer as coisas boas seja maior
3 - Que a minha capacidade de lidar com as coisas que não gosto seja superior
4 - Que eu tenha mais capacidade em perdoar
5 - Que eu seja mais feliz com o que tenho
5 - Que eu seja mais feliz com o que tenho
6 - Que eu lute mais pelo que quero
7 - Que a minha ligação aos outros seja de melhor qualidade
8 - Que eu me sinta cada vez mais acompanhado
9 - Que a minha coragem me inunde
10 - Que a paz esteja comigo
10 - Que a paz esteja comigo
11 - Que a minha sinceridade seja mais fácil de aceder
12 - Que a minha comunicação e acção sejam mais construtivas
12 - Que a minha comunicação e acção sejam mais construtivas
domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011
sábado, 24 de dezembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011
domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2011
sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011
domingo, 11 de dezembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2011
O Golfinho, a Carpa e o Tubarão
Existem três tipos de animais no mar, com diferentes modos
de proceder: as carpas, os tubarões e os golfinhos.
A carpa é dócil, passiva e quando agredida não se afasta nem
responde. Ela não luta mesmo quando provocada. Considera-se uma vítima,
conformada com o seu destino. Se alguém tem que se sacrificar, a carpa
sacrifica-se. Ela sacrifica-se porque acredita que há escassez. Neste caso,
para parar de sofrer ela sacrifica-se.
Carpas são aquelas pessoas que na vida sempre cedem, são os
que recuam; em crises, sacrificam-se por não poderem ver outros a
sacrificarem-se. Jogam o perde-ganha, perdem para que o outro possa ganhar.
Declaração que a carpa faz para si mesma: "Sou uma
carpa e acredito na escassez. Em virtude desta crença, não espero jamais fazer
ou ter o suficiente. Assim, se não posso escapar da aprendizagem e da
responsabilidade permanecendo longe deles, eu sacrifico-me."
Neste mar existe outro tipo de animal: o tubarão. O tubarão
é agressivo por natureza, agride mesmo quando não provocado. Ele também crê que
vai faltar. Ele acredita que, já que vai faltar, que falte para outro, não para
ele! O tubarão passa o tempo todo a procurar vítimas para devorar porque ele
acredita que podem faltar vítimas. Que vítimas são as preferidas dos tubarões?
Acertou: as carpas!…
Tanto o tubarão como a carpa acabam viciados nos seus
sistemas. Costumam agir de forma automática e irresistível. Os tubarões jogam o
ganha-perde, eles tem que ganhar sempre, não se importando que o outro perca.
Declaração que o tubarão faz para si mesmo: "Sou um
tubarão e acredito na escassez. Em razão desta crença, procuro obter o máximo
que posso, sem nenhuma consideração pelos outros".
Neste mar que é a vida, há um terceiro tipo de animal: o
golfinho. Os golfinhos são dóceis por natureza. Mas quando atacados respondem e
se um grupo de golfinhos encontra uma carpa a ser atacada eles defendem a carpa
e atacam os agressores.
O comportamento dos golfinhos em volta dos tubarões é
lendário e, provavelmente, eles fizeram por merecer essa fama. Usando a
astúcia, eles podem ser mortais para os tubarões. Matá-los com mordidas? Oh,
não! Os golfinhos nadam à roda e martelam, nadam e martelam. Usando os seus
focinhos bulbosos como clavas, eles esmagam metodicamente a "caixa
torácica" do tubarão até que a mortal criatura deslize impotente para o
Mais do que pela perícia no combate ao tubarão, escolhi o
golfinho para simbolizar as nossas ideias sobre como tomar decisões e como
lidar com épocas de rápidas mudanças devido às habilidades naturais deste
mamífero para pensar construtiva e criativamente. Quando não conseguem o que
querem, eles alteram o comportamento com precisão e rapidez, algumas vezes de
forma engenhosa, para buscar aquilo que desejam. Golfinhos procuram sempre o
equilíbrio, jogam o ganha-ganha, procuram sempre encontrar soluções que atendam
as necessidades de todos.
Declaração que o golfinho faz para si mesmo: "Sou um
golfinho e acredito na escassez e na abundância potenciais. Mas podemos
aprender a tirar o melhor proveito da força e utilizar os recursos de um modo
elegante. Os elementos fundamentais do modo como crio o meu mundo são a
flexibilidade e a capacidade de fazer mais com menos recursos."
Se os golfinhos podem fazer isso, por que não nós? Acredito
que podemos!
quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011
terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011
domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011
In love
lasts forever
No one
lives forever
Keep that
in mind…
In love
Our life is
not the same old burden
Our path Is
not the same long journey
A flower
fades and dies
We must
pause to weave perfection in music
Keep that
in mind…
In love
Love droops
towards its sunset we drown in the golden shadows
Love must
be called from its plane
Love must
be born again to be free
Keep that
in mind…
In love
Let us
hurry to gather our flowers before they are plundered by the passing winds
It quickens
our blood and brightens our eyes to snatch kisses that would vanish if we
Our life is
Our desires
are keen
Our time
moves by
Keep that
in mind…
In love
Beauty is
sweet for a short time
And then it
is gone
is precious
But we will
never have time to complete it
All is done
and finished in eternal Heaven
But our
life here is eternally fresh
Keep that
in mind…
In love
domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011
The coffee cups .....!!!
soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.
his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large
pot of coffee and an assortment of cups – porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal,
some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite – telling them to help
themselves to the coffee.
When all
the students had a cup of coffee, the professor said: “If you noticed, all the
nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the simple and cheap
While it is normal for you to want only the best for
yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.
Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the
In most cases, it is just more expensive and in some cases
even hides what we drink.
What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but
Consciously went for the best cups… Then you began eyeing
each other’s cups.
Now consider this:
- Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in
society are the cups.
- They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type
of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live.
- Sometimes, by concentrating on the cup, we fail to enjoy
the coffee God has provided us. Enjoy your coffee!.”
The happiest people don’t have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything.”
1. Live simply.
2. Love generously.
3. Care deeply.
4. Speak kindly.
5. Leave the rest to God.
You are the miracle, my friend;
Your life either shines a light OR casts a shadow!
Shine a light & Enjoy the Coffee!!!
happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who
learn to live with things that are less than perfect.”
quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011
terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011
segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011
domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011
I suffer immensely from loneliness. What can I do about it?
darkness of loneliness cannot be fought directly. It is something essential for
everyone to understand, that there are a few fundamental things which cannot be
changed. This is one of the fundamentals: you cannot fight with darkness
directly, with loneliness directly, with the fear of isolation directly. The
reason is that all these things do not exist; they are simply absences of
something, just as darkness is the absence of light.
Now what do
you do when you want the room not to be dark? You don’t do anything directly
with darkness – or do you? You cannot push it out. There is no way possible to
make some arrangement so that the darkness disappears. You have to do something
with light. Now that changes the whole situation; and that’s what I call one of
the essentials, fundamentals. You don’t even touch the darkness; you don’t
think about it. There is no point; it does not exist, it is simply an absence.
So just
bring light and you will not find darkness at all, because it was the absence
of light, simply the absence of light. It was not something material with its
own being, not something that exists – simply because light was not there, you
got a false feeling of the existence of darkness.
You can go
on fighting with this darkness your whole life and you will not succeed. And
just a small candle is enough to dispel it. You have to work for the light
because it is positive, existential; it exists on it own. And once light comes,
anything that was its absence automatically disappears.
is similar to darkness. You don’t know your aloneness. You have not experienced
your aloneness and its beauty, its tremendous power, its strength. In the
dictionaries, loneliness and aloneness are synonymous, but existence does not
follow your dictionaries – and yet nobody has yet tried to make an existential
dictionary which will not be contradictory to existence.
is absence. Because you don’t know your aloneness, there is fear and you feel
lonely, so you want to cling to something, to somebody, to some relationship,
just to keep the illusion that you are not lonely. But you now you are, hence
the pain.
On the one
hand you are clinging to something which is not for real, which is just a
temporary arrangement – a relationship a friendship. And while you are in the
relationship you can create a little illusion to forget your loneliness. But
this is the problem: that although you can forget your loneliness for a moment,
just the next moment you suddenly become aware that the relationship or the friendship
is nothing permanent. Yesterday you did not know this man or this woman, you
were strangers. Today you are friends. Who knows about tomorrow? Tomorrow you
may be strangers again, hence the pain.
illusion gives a certain solace, but it cannot create the reality so that all
fear disappears. It represses the fear. So on the surface you feel good – at
least you try to feel good. You pretend to feel good to yourself: how wonderful
the relationship is, how wonderful the man or the woman is. But behind the
illusion – and the illusion is so thin that you can see behind it – there is
pain in the heart, because the heart knows perfectly well that tomorrow things
may not be the same. And they are not the same.
Your whole
life’s experience supports this – that things go on changing. Nothing remains
stable; you cannot cling to anything in a changing world. You wanted to make
your friendship something permanent but your wanting is against the law of
change, and that law is not going to make exceptions. It simply goes on doing
its own thing. It will change everything.
And perhaps
in the long run you will understand one day that it was good that it did not
listen to you, that existence did not bother about you and just went on doing
whatever it wanted to do…not according to your desire.
It may take
a little time for you to understand. You want this friend to be your friend
forever, but tomorrow he turns into an enemy, or simply, “Get lost!” and he is
no longer with you. Somebody else fills the gap who is a far superior being and
then, suddenly, you realize it was good that the other one got lost; otherwise
you would have been stuck with him.
But still
the lesson never goes so deep that you stop asking for permanence. You will
start asking for permanence with this man, this woman: “Now this should not
change!” You have not really learned the lesson that change is simply the very
fabric of life. You have to understand it and go with it. Don’t create
illusions; they are not going to help. And everybody is creating illusions of
different kinds.
I used to
know one man who said, “I trust only money. I trust nobody else.”
I said,
“You are making a very significant statement.”
He said,
“Everybody changes. You cannot rely on anybody. And as you get older, only your
money is yours. Not even your son, not even your wife – nobody cares. If you
have money they all care, they all respect you, because you have the money. If
you don’t have money you become a beggar.”
His saying
that the only thing in the world to trust is money comes out of a long
experience of life, of getting cheated again and again by the people he trusted
– and he thought they loved him but they were all around him for the money.
“But,” I
told him, “at the moment of death money is not going to be with you. You can
have an illusion that at least money is with you, but as your breathing stops,
money is no longer with you. You have earned something but it will be left on
this side; you cannot carry it beyond death. You will fall into a deep
loneliness which you have been hiding behind the facade of money.”
There are
people who are after power, but the reason is the same: when they are in power
so many people are with them, millions of people are under their domination. They
are not alone. They are great political and religious leaders. But power
changes. One day you have it, another day it is gone, and suddenly the whole
illusion disappears. You are as lonely as nobody else is, because others are
accustomed to being lonely. You are not accustomed…your loneliness hurts you
Society has
tried to make arrangements so that you can forget loneliness. Arranged
marriages are just an effort for you to know that your wife is with you. All
religions resist divorce for the simple reason that if divorce is allowed then
the basic purpose marriage was invented for is destroyed. The basic purpose was
to give you a companion, a lifelong companion.
But even
though a wife will be with you, a husband will be with you, for your whole
life, that does not mean that love remains the same. In fact, rather than
giving you a companion, they give you a burden to carry. You were lonely,
already in trouble, and now you have to carry another person who is lonely. And
in this life there is no hope, because once love disappears you both are
lonely, and both have to tolerate each other. Now it is not a question of being
enchanted by each other – at the most you can patiently tolerate each other –
but your loneliness has not been changed by the social strategy of marriage.
have tried to make you a member of an organized body of religion so you are
always in a crowd. You know that there are six hundred million Catholics. You
are not alone: six hundred million Catholics are with you, Jesus Christ is your
savior, God is with you. Alone you may have been wrong, doubt may have arisen,
but six hundred million people cannot be wrong – a little support. But even
that is gone because there are millions who are not Catholics. There are the
people who crucified Jesus. There are people who don’t believe in God – and
their number is not less than Catholics, it is more than Catholics. And there
are different religions with different concepts.
It is
difficult for an intelligent person not to doubt. You may have millions of
people following a certain belief system, but still you cannot be certain that
you are not lonely, that they are with you.
God was a
device, but all devices have failed. It was a device: when there is not
anything there, at least God is with you. He is always with you everywhere. In
the dark night of the soul, he is with you. Don’t be worried.
It was good
for a childish humanity to be deceived by this concept, but you cannot be deceived
by this concept. This God who is always everywhere – you don’t see him, you
can’t talk to him, you cannot touch him. You don’t have any evidence for his
existence, except your desire that he should be there. But your desire is not a
proof of anything.
God is only
a desire of the childish mind. But man has come of age, and God has become
meaningless. The hypothesis has lost its grip.
What I am
trying to say is that every effort that has been directed toward avoiding
loneliness has failed, and will fail, because it is against the fundamentals of
life. What is needed is not something in which you can forget your loneliness. What
is needed is that you become aware of your aloneness, which is a reality. And
it is so beautiful to experience it, to feel it, because it is your freedom
from the crowd, from the other. It is your freedom from the fear of being
Just the
word lonely immediately reminds you that it is like a wound: something is
needed to fill it. It is a gap and it hurts: something needs to be filled into
it. Aloneness, the very word aloneness does not have the same sense of a wound,
of a gap that has to be filled. Aloneness simply means completeness. You are
whole; there is no need of anybody else to complete you.
So try to
find your innermost center, where you are always alone, have always been alone.
In life, in death – wherever you are you will be alone. But it is so full, it
is not empty, it is so full and so complete and so overflowing with all the
juices of life, with all the beauties and benedictions of existence, that once
you have tasted your aloneness the pain in the heart will disappear. Instead, a
new rhythm of tremendous sweetness, peace, joy, bliss, will be there.
It does not
mean that a man who is centered in his aloneness, complete in himself, cannot
make friends. In fact only he can make friends, because now it is no longer a
need, it is just sharing. He has too much; he can share.
can be of two types. One is a friendship in which you are a beggar. You need
something from the other to help you forget your loneliness, and the other is
also a beggar, he wants the same from you. And naturally two beggars cannot
help each other. Soon they will see that their begging to a beggar has doubled
or multiplied the need. Instead of there being one beggar, now there are two. And
if, unfortunately, they have children, then a whole company of beggars is
asking and nobody has something to give. So everybody is frustrated and angry,
and everybody feels he is being cheated, deceived. And in fact nobody is
cheating and nobody is deceiving, because what have you got?
The other
kind of friendship, the other kind of love, has a totally different quality. It
is not of need, it is out of having too much so that you want to share. A new
kind of joy has come into your being – that of sharing, which you were not even
aware of before. You have always been begging. And when you share, there is no
question of clinging. You flow with existence, you flow with life’s change,
because it doesn’t matter with whom you share. It can be the same person
tomorrow for your whole life – the same person – or it can be different
persons. It is not a contract, it is not a marriage. It is simply out of your
fullness that you want to give, so whosoever happens to be nearer to you, you
give it.
And giving
is such a joy, and begging is such a misery. Even if you get through begging,
you will remain miserable. It hurts. It hurts your pride, it hurts your
integrity. But sharing makes you more centered, more integrated, more proud,
not more egoistic; more proud that existence has been compassionate to you. It
is not ego; it is a totally different phenomenon…a recognition that existence
has allowed you something for which millions of people are trying, but at the
wrong door. You happen to be at the right door.
You are
proud of your blissfulness and all that existence has given to you. Fear
disappears, darkness disappears, the pain disappears, the desire for the other
disappears. You can love a person, and if the person loves somebody else there
will not be any jealousy, because you loved out of too much joy. It was not a
clinging. You were not holding the other person in prison. You were not worried
that the other person may slip out of your hands, that somebody else may start
having a love affair…
When you
are sharing your joy, you don’t create a prison for anybody. You simply give.
You don’t even expect gratitude or thankfulness because you are giving – not to
get anything, not even gratitude. You are giving because you are so full you
have to give.
So if
anybody is thankful, you are thankful to the person who has accepted your love,
who has accepted your gift. He has unburdened you, he allowed you to shower on
him. And the more you share, the more you give, the more you have it. So it
does not make you a miser, it does not create a new fear that “I may lose it.” In
fact the more you lose it, the more fresh waters are flowing in from springs
you have not been aware of before.
So I will
not say to do anything about your loneliness. Forget loneliness, forget
darkness, forget pain. Look for your aloneness. They are just an absence of
aloneness. The experience of aloneness will dispel them instantly. And the
method is the same: just watch your mind, be aware. Become more and more
conscious, so finally you are only conscious of yourself. That is the point
when you become aware of aloneness.
You will be
surprised that different religions have given different names to the ultimate
state of realization. The three religions born outside India don’t have any
name for it because they never went far in search of oneself. They remained
childish, immature – clinging to a God, clinging to prayer, clinging to a
savior. You can see what I mean: they are always dependent, somebody else is to
save them. They are not mature. Judaism, Christianity, Islam – they are not
mature at all and perhaps that is the reason they have influenced the greatest
majority in the world, because most of the people in the world are immature. They
have a certain affinity.
But in
India the three religions have three names for this ultimate state. And I
remembered this because of aloneness. That is one of the words chosen by
Jainism as the ultimate state of being – kaivalya, aloneness. Just as Buddhism
chooses nirvana, no-selfness, and Hinduism chooses moksha, freedom, Jainism
chooses absolute aloneness. All the three words are beautiful. They are three
different aspects of the same reality. You can call it liberation, freedom; you
can call it aloneness; you can call it selflessness, nothingness – just
different indicators toward that ultimate experience for which no name is
But always
look whether anything that you are facing as a problem is a negative thing or a
positive thing. If it is a negative thing then don’t fight with it; don’t
bother about it at all. Just look for the positive of it, and you will be at
the right door.
Most of the
people in the world miss because they start fighting directly with the negative
door. There is no door; there is only darkness, there is only absence. And the
more they fight, the more they find failure, and the more they become dejected,
pessimistic…and ultimately they start finding that life has no meaning, that it
is simply torture. But their mistake is they entered from the wrong door.
So before
you face a problem, just look at the problem: whether is an absence of
something. And all your problems are the absence of something. And once you
have found what they are the absence of, then go after the positive, and the
moment you find the positive, the light – the darkness is finished.
sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011
I suffer
immensely from loneliness. What can I do about it?
darkness of loneliness cannot be fought directly. It is something essential for
everyone to understand, that there are a few fundamental things which cannot be
changed. This is one of the fundamentals: you cannot fight with darkness
directly, with loneliness directly, with the fear of isolation directly. The
reason is that all these things do not exist; they are simply absences of
something, just as darkness is the absence of light.
Now what do
you do when you want the room not to be dark? You don’t do anything directly
with darkness – or do you? You cannot push it out. There is no way possible to
make some arrangement so that the darkness disappears. You have to do something
with light. Now that changes the whole situation; and that’s what I call one of
the essentials, fundamentals. You don’t even touch the darkness; you don’t
think about it. There is no point; it does not exist, it is simply an absence.
So just
bring light and you will not find darkness at all, because it was the absence
of light, simply the absence of light. It was not something material with its
own being, not something that exists – simply because light was not there, you
got a false feeling of the existence of darkness.
You can go
on fighting with this darkness your whole life and you will not succeed. And
just a small candle is enough to dispel it. You have to work for the light
because it is positive, existential; it exists on it own. And once light comes,
anything that was its absence automatically disappears.
is similar to darkness. You don’t know your aloneness. You have not experienced
your aloneness and its beauty, its tremendous power, its strength. In the
dictionaries, loneliness and aloneness are synonymous, but existence does not
follow your dictionaries – and yet nobody has yet tried to make an existential
dictionary which will not be contradictory to existence.
is absence. Because you don’t know your aloneness, there is fear and you feel
lonely, so you want to cling to something, to somebody, to some relationship,
just to keep the illusion that you are not lonely. But you now you are, hence
the pain.
On the one
hand you are clinging to something which is not for real, which is just a
temporary arrangement – a relationship a friendship. And while you are in the
relationship you can create a little illusion to forget your loneliness. But
this is the problem: that although you can forget your loneliness for a moment,
just the next moment you suddenly become aware that the relationship or the friendship
is nothing permanent. Yesterday you did not know this man or this woman, you
were strangers. Today you are friends. Who knows about tomorrow? Tomorrow you
may be strangers again, hence the pain.
illusion gives a certain solace, but it cannot create the reality so that all
fear disappears. It represses the fear. So on the surface you feel good – at
least you try to feel good. You pretend to feel good to yourself: how wonderful
the relationship is, how wonderful the man or the woman is. But behind the
illusion – and the illusion is so thin that you can see behind it – there is
pain in the heart, because the heart knows perfectly well that tomorrow things
may not be the same. And they are not the same.
Your whole
life’s experience supports this – that things go on changing. Nothing remains
stable; you cannot cling to anything in a changing world. You wanted to make
your friendship something permanent but your wanting is against the law of
change, and that law is not going to make exceptions. It simply goes on doing
its own thing. It will change everything.
And perhaps
in the long run you will understand one day that it was good that it did not
listen to you, that existence did not bother about you and just went on doing
whatever it wanted to do…not according to your desire.
It may take
a little time for you to understand. You want this friend to be your friend
forever, but tomorrow he turns into an enemy, or simply, “Get lost!” and he is
no longer with you. Somebody else fills the gap who is a far superior being and
then, suddenly, you realize it was good that the other one got lost; otherwise
you would have been stuck with him.
But still
the lesson never goes so deep that you stop asking for permanence. You will
start asking for permanence with this man, this woman: “Now this should not
change!” You have not really learned the lesson that change is simply the very
fabric of life. You have to understand it and go with it. Don’t create
illusions; they are not going to help. And everybody is creating illusions of
different kinds.
I used to
know one man who said, “I trust only money. I trust nobody else.”
I said,
“You are making a very significant statement.”
He said,
“Everybody changes. You cannot rely on anybody. And as you get older, only your
money is yours. Not even your son, not even your wife – nobody cares. If you
have money they all care, they all respect you, because you have the money. If
you don’t have money you become a beggar.”
His saying
that the only thing in the world to trust is money comes out of a long
experience of life, of getting cheated again and again by the people he trusted
– and he thought they loved him but they were all around him for the money.
“But,” I
told him, “at the moment of death money is not going to be with you. You can
have an illusion that at least money is with you, but as your breathing stops,
money is no longer with you. You have earned something but it will be left on
this side; you cannot carry it beyond death. You will fall into a deep
loneliness which you have been hiding behind the facade of money.”
There are
people who are after power, but the reason is the same: when they are in power
so many people are with them, millions of people are under their domination. They
are not alone. They are great political and religious leaders. But power
changes. One day you have it, another day it is gone, and suddenly the whole
illusion disappears. You are as lonely as nobody else is, because others are
accustomed to being lonely. You are not accustomed…your loneliness hurts you
Society has
tried to make arrangements so that you can forget loneliness. Arranged
marriages are just an effort for you to know that your wife is with you. All
religions resist divorce for the simple reason that if divorce is allowed then
the basic purpose marriage was invented for is destroyed. The basic purpose was
to give you a companion, a lifelong companion.
But even
though a wife will be with you, a husband will be with you, for your whole
life, that does not mean that love remains the same. In fact, rather than
giving you a companion, they give you a burden to carry. You were lonely,
already in trouble, and now you have to carry another person who is lonely. And
in this life there is no hope, because once love disappears you both are
lonely, and both have to tolerate each other. Now it is not a question of being
enchanted by each other – at the most you can patiently tolerate each other –
but your loneliness has not been changed by the social strategy of marriage.
have tried to make you a member of an organized body of religion so you are
always in a crowd. You know that there are six hundred million Catholics. You
are not alone: six hundred million Catholics are with you, Jesus Christ is your
savior, God is with you. Alone you may have been wrong, doubt may have arisen,
but six hundred million people cannot be wrong – a little support. But even
that is gone because there are millions who are not Catholics. There are the
people who crucified Jesus. There are people who don’t believe in God – and
their number is not less than Catholics, it is more than Catholics. And there
are different religions with different concepts.
It is
difficult for an intelligent person not to doubt. You may have millions of
people following a certain belief system, but still you cannot be certain that
you are not lonely, that they are with you.
God was a
device, but all devices have failed. It was a device: when there is not
anything there, at least God is with you. He is always with you everywhere. In
the dark night of the soul, he is with you. Don’t be worried.
It was good
for a childish humanity to be deceived by this concept, but you cannot be deceived
by this concept. This God who is always everywhere – you don’t see him, you
can’t talk to him, you cannot touch him. You don’t have any evidence for his
existence, except your desire that he should be there. But your desire is not a
proof of anything.
God is only
a desire of the childish mind. But man has come of age, and God has become
meaningless. The hypothesis has lost its grip.
What I am
trying to say is that every effort that has been directed toward avoiding
loneliness has failed, and will fail, because it is against the fundamentals of
life. What is needed is not something in which you can forget your loneliness. What
is needed is that you become aware of your aloneness, which is a reality. And
it is so beautiful to experience it, to feel it, because it is your freedom
from the crowd, from the other. It is your freedom from the fear of being
Just the
word lonely immediately reminds you that it is like a wound: something is
needed to fill it. It is a gap and it hurts: something needs to be filled into
it. Aloneness, the very word aloneness does not have the same sense of a wound,
of a gap that has to be filled. Aloneness simply means completeness. You are
whole; there is no need of anybody else to complete you.
So try to
find your innermost center, where you are always alone, have always been alone.
In life, in death – wherever you are you will be alone. But it is so full, it
is not empty, it is so full and so complete and so overflowing with all the
juices of life, with all the beauties and benedictions of existence, that once
you have tasted your aloneness the pain in the heart will disappear. Instead, a
new rhythm of tremendous sweetness, peace, joy, bliss, will be there.
It does not
mean that a man who is centered in his aloneness, complete in himself, cannot
make friends. In fact only he can make friends, because now it is no longer a
need, it is just sharing. He has too much; he can share.
can be of two types. One is a friendship in which you are a beggar. You need
something from the other to help you forget your loneliness, and the other is
also a beggar, he wants the same from you. And naturally two beggars cannot
help each other. Soon they will see that their begging to a beggar has doubled
or multiplied the need. Instead of there being one beggar, now there are two. And
if, unfortunately, they have children, then a whole company of beggars is
asking and nobody has something to give. So everybody is frustrated and angry,
and everybody feels he is being cheated, deceived. And in fact nobody is
cheating and nobody is deceiving, because what have you got?
The other
kind of friendship, the other kind of love, has a totally different quality. It
is not of need, it is out of having too much so that you want to share. A new
kind of joy has come into your being – that of sharing, which you were not even
aware of before. You have always been begging. And when you share, there is no
question of clinging. You flow with existence, you flow with life’s change,
because it doesn’t matter with whom you share. It can be the same person
tomorrow for your whole life – the same person – or it can be different
persons. It is not a contract, it is not a marriage. It is simply out of your
fullness that you want to give, so whosoever happens to be nearer to you, you
give it.
And giving
is such a joy, and begging is such a misery. Even if you get through begging,
you will remain miserable. It hurts. It hurts your pride, it hurts your
integrity. But sharing makes you more centered, more integrated, more proud,
not more egoistic; more proud that existence has been compassionate to you. It
is not ego; it is a totally different phenomenon…a recognition that existence
has allowed you something for which millions of people are trying, but at the
wrong door. You happen to be at the right door.
You are
proud of your blissfulness and all that existence has given to you. Fear
disappears, darkness disappears, the pain disappears, the desire for the other
disappears. You can love a person, and if the person loves somebody else there
will not be any jealousy, because you loved out of too much joy. It was not a
clinging. You were not holding the other person in prison. You were not worried
that the other person may slip out of your hands, that somebody else may start
having a love affair…
When you
are sharing your joy, you don’t create a prison for anybody. You simply give.
You don’t even expect gratitude or thankfulness because you are giving – not to
get anything, not even gratitude. You are giving because you are so full you
have to give.
So if
anybody is thankful, you are thankful to the person who has accepted your love,
who has accepted your gift. He has unburdened you, he allowed you to shower on
him. And the more you share, the more you give, the more you have it. So it
does not make you a miser, it does not create a new fear that “I may lose it.” In
fact the more you lose it, the more fresh waters are flowing in from springs
you have not been aware of before.
So I will
not say to do anything about your loneliness. Forget loneliness, forget
darkness, forget pain. Look for your aloneness. They are just an absence of
aloneness. The experience of aloneness will dispel them instantly. And the
method is the same: just watch your mind, be aware. Become more and more
conscious, so finally you are only conscious of yourself. That is the point
when you become aware of aloneness.
You will be
surprised that different religions have given different names to the ultimate
state of realization. The three religions born outside India don’t
have any name for it because they never went far in search of oneself. They
remained childish, immature – clinging to a God, clinging to prayer, clinging
to a savior. You can see what I mean: they are always dependent, somebody else
is to save them. They are not mature. Judaism, Christianity, Islam – they are
not mature at all and perhaps that is the reason they have influenced the
greatest majority in the world, because most of the people in the world are
immature. They have a certain affinity.
But in India the three
religions have three names for this ultimate state. And I remembered this
because of aloneness. That is one of the words chosen by Jainism as the
ultimate state of being – kaivalya, aloneness. Just as Buddhism chooses
nirvana, no-selfness, and Hinduism chooses moksha, freedom, Jainism chooses
absolute aloneness. All the three words are beautiful. They are three different
aspects of the same reality. You can call it liberation, freedom; you can call
it aloneness; you can call it selflessness, nothingness – just different
indicators toward that ultimate experience for which no name is sufficient.
But always
look whether anything that you are facing as a problem is a negative thing or a
positive thing. If it is a negative thing then don’t fight with it; don’t
bother about it at all. Just look for the positive of it, and you will be at
the right door.
Most of the
people in the world miss because they start fighting directly with the negative
door. There is no door; there is only darkness, there is only absence. And the
more they fight, the more they find failure, and the more they become dejected,
pessimistic…and ultimately they start finding that life has no meaning, that it
is simply torture. But their mistake is they entered from the wrong door.
So before
you face a problem, just look at the problem: whether is an absence of
something. And all your problems are the absence of something. And once you
have found what they are the absence of, then go after the positive, and the
moment you find the positive, the light – the darkness is finished.
Osho, The
Path of the Mystic
sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011
terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011
sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011
Let Go Into Your Fighting Nature
"I am fighter. I don’t know anything except fighting —
and even worse, I love it! I love to stand in the face of the strongest storm
and laugh. I don’t like to lie in the sun and melt."
There is no problem in it. If you feel you are a fighter, if
you enjoy fighting, not only that, if you are proud of being a fighter — then
relax. Fight totally! Don’t fight your fighting nature. That will be a let-go
for you.
It is perfectly beautiful to stand before the strongest
storm and laugh. Don’t feel guilty. Just try to understand one thing: when I
say let-go, I don’t mean you have to change anything. I simply mean, whatever
you feel you are, just allow it its totality.
Be a fighter with your whole being, and in this totality you
will find the melting of the heart. That will be the reward of your being
total. You do not need to do anything for it; rewards come on their own. Just
be total in anything that you feel you love, which you feel proud of — just be
total in it. Don’t create a split. Don’t be half — and — half; don’t be
partial. If you are total, one day — standing against the strongest storm,
laughing — you will suddenly feel your heart melting in the sun. That will come
to you as a reward.
Man unnecessarily creates problems. I want you to understand
that there are no problems in life except those you create. Just try to see:
whatsoever feels good for you is good. Then go the whole way. Even if the whole
world is against it, it doesn’t matter. And whether you have gone total and
whole will be decided by the reward.
If you start feeling at one point a sudden melting then you
know that you have not cheated yourself, that you have been sincere and true.
That now is really the point where you can be proud.
domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011
quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011
terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011
domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011
sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011
terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011
sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011
quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming--"Wow! What a Ride!""
Author: unknown
Author: unknown
Diet Changes to Lower Disease Risk
segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011
domingo, 25 de setembro de 2011
terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2011
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011
I knew a woman who only complained...
knew a woman who only complained about her husband whenever she came to see me.
She complained about his gambling, his drinking, his laziness, his every action
in fact - complaining, endlessly complaining was all she knew. In her husband
were contained all the vices, while she worked hard to keep the house in order
and to look after him. And certainly, she was very overworked, because there
was also a crippled daughter who was bed-ridden and needed assistance even just
to eat her meals. With so many burdens imposed upon herself, this woman was
truly living the life of a martyr.
she came to see me she would come out with the same string of complaints
against her husband, but when I looked deep into her eyes, it was obvious that
she derived some joy from the whole situation. What was clear was that her
husband's drinking and gambling habits gave her ego immense satisfaction -
because by comparison with her worthless husband, she had become a priceless
We live by
comparisons. If the husband is the greatest, then his wife has to be ordinary.
But in this case the woman was the shining star, and through her husband's
dissipated way of life she found admiration and sympathy for herself throughout
the town. Of course, she maintained to one and all that she was deeply
distressed and unhappy, but actually the last thing she would want would be to
find herself free of the situation in which she lived; because getting rid of
the situation would also mean getting rid of all the praise and glory in which
she reveled. The crippled girl too was only an instrument with which she could
enhance her air of martyrdom - "Just see how I tend her, comforting her in
her sickness and meeting her every need!"
People love
suffering because it gives them the opportunity to become martyrs. This lady
was not really complaining, she was advertising her virtues. Eventually, the
poor crippled girl died. With her death half the woman's sorrows should have
disappeared. In fact she should have found much happiness in the girl's freedom
from a life of suffering, and her own freedom from the cares and anxieties of
looking after her. And when her husband finally ran away, this should have
brought an end to all her remaining unhappiness. She often used to say to me he
were to die, or leave forever, it would be a blessing. I don't want to have to
see him!"
But when he
did run off, never to return, her distress was even greater All the color
drained from her face, and a deep melancholy settled over her life, as though
her whole interest in life had disappeared - which it had: her drinking and
gambling husband provided the essence of her life. In her condemnation of his
habits lay all the meaning, the purpose, the promise in her life. Now, with him
gone, all that sustained her was gone. She was reduced to the stature of an
ordinary woman.
Now nobody
sings her praises, nobody proclaims her long-suffering virtues. When I saw her
last it was apparent that she would soon die, because the mechanism that kept
her going is no longer there Just consider a little how, whenever you talk
about your unhappinesses, you are playing the martyr behind your words. See how
you find happiness in your so-called distress.
Man is such
a clever decorator! He decorates even his sorrows, converting them into
ornaments with his cunning workmanship. And then arises a new difficulty for
him; how to cast off the decoration and ornamentation he has created. Had you
not decorated your misery, you would have been able to cast it away long ago -
you would have walked out of your prison. But through your own devices you have
mistaken your prison for your home. Only you are holding yourself in chains,
but you have taken the chains for ornaments.
The day you
have enough of your unhappiness and your interest in it drops, only then the
change can happen in your life. And until you are interested in it, who am I to
stop you from it? As long as you are interested in it, remain in your
unhappiness. Nothing can happen out of hurrying; the fruit will only fall when
it is ripe, and it is foolish to pick unripe fruit." ~ Osho
terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011
sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011
quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011
terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011
domingo, 31 de julho de 2011
sábado, 30 de julho de 2011
quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011
quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011
segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2011
sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011
quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2011
segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011
domingo, 22 de maio de 2011
domingo, 15 de maio de 2011
domingo, 1 de maio de 2011
sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011
quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011
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